6. Playa Carrillo, Nicoya Peninsula

Our final stop was a couple of days chillaxing on the Pacific coast, at Playa Carrillo. Crashing waves, infinity pool, sunshine, sunsets, cocktails. What better way to end our holiday adventure of a lifetime. Great company, well organised, lovely friendly knowledgeable guide. Pura Vida!

5. Rincon de la Vieja

Next we visited another volcano. This had hot springs and mud pots, a lovely sulphuric smell and great bubbling sounds. Another great rain and thunder storm. Francesca went on a horse ride with her very own Costa Rican cowboy, Grace went on the river water slide, and I bobbed around in the thermal spring baths and had a mud bath. David did early morning and evening wildlife walks.

4. Arenal volcano

The next stop was Arenal volcano. Unfortunately the nightly displays of lava eruptions stopped a couple of years ago. The volcano itself is one of Costa Rica's iconic views so photos are obligatory. On the way we learnt all about banana production.We also visited a school, and had a demonstration of local folk dancing, followed by a visit to a farm to see an old sugar cane press as well as more wildlife and plant life.